My jewellery is designed to excite the eye, and is an extension of my love of the decorative qualities of light, colour, semi-precious stones, pearls, glass, wood and silver.
Often, an exotic pendant set in silver becomes the focal point around which I design.I travel to many countries, including India, Sri Lanka, China, Indonesia, Thailand and the Middle East to choose my palette of stones.
The inspiration for my designs also comes from the Australian landscape, and as I work in the central desert for two months each year, the patterns of spinifex grass and seeds have become the focal point of my designs.
All my clay shapes have a tactile surface due to the scrafitto technique I have developed, with each piece having been bisqued fired and glaze fired.
The clay and glazes are Australian made, and both underglazes and glazes are 'food safe'.
My work is now in many private collections, both overseas and in Australia.